The TAPVizieR service is available since sept-2012: it provides VizieR tables using the ADQL language and the TAP protocol.
This page lists some special points which characterize the current TAPVizieR implementation.
Please, refer to the help page containing dedicated examples for VizieR.
Note concerning the usage of tables and columns names:
The Tables or columns containing specials characters as "[]()." or begining with "_" or a digit need to be quoted in an ADQL query.
TAPVizieR works with the tables and columns names as they are given by the VizieR web application. The tables names (and some columns names) contains some specials characters which must be quoted.
e.g. Query the 2MASS table identified in VizieR by II/246/out.
SELECT TOP 100 "II/246/out".RAJ200, "II/246/out".DEJ2000, "II/246/out"."2MASS" FROM "II/246/out"
Some softwares like TOPCat or TAPHandle
can work with the TAP protocol and so enable to query tables coming from a remote service.
Configure these softwares with using the URL
The TAP tables descriptions returned only the tables informations without the columns descriptions (volumetry ~3.5Mb). Use the URL /TAPVizieR/tables/table_name to get their descriptions (e.g.: 2MASS).
The entire Schemas containing the tables and columns descriptions is available with the URL
SELECT POINT('FK4', ra_icrs,de_icrs_) from c1239hip_main
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